Sunday, March 16, 2008

Cruising Down The Atlantic Highway!

Hi Guys

Just a quick blog to let you know that we made it to Cornwall, met up with the family, had lunch and booked into the most fantastic hotel in Carbis Bay (The Boskerris). The views over the bay towards St Ives are amazing - we're really slobbing out and enjoying every minute of it.

Lynne and Nick in Devon were (as always) amazing hosts; it was great to see them and they were heading down this way this morning too. We followed them down the A39 (The Atlantic Highway) past Newquay and into Hayle.

My mun, dad, auntie and uncle has done a great job on my granddad's house, starting the big clear - up. My cousin Julia and her partner Chris are here and my baby brother AD turned up this evening. The funeral is at 1.00 tomorrow (Hayle Methodist Church) with a Cornish cream tea at a local hotel afterwards. We're planning a night out in St Ives in the evening.

Please don't worry that I'm doing too much. Florence is looking after me and ensures I'm tucked up every night and well fed. I'm feeling OK just a little sick; not too tired.

I'll let you know how tomorrow goes; funerals are always hard work.

See ya.

Dave xxxx


the alfage said...

Hi Uncle Dave,

Great to hear that you are ok and that Aunty T is looking after you. I hope that you are letting her do the driving so that you can rest.
No big news here. Daddy started his school holiday so he is very pleased. Just to say that we are all praying for you lots. I can't say much but I think a lot!!
Hope to see you when you get back to Odell - I need a bit of sniffage.
Loads of love from Alfie XXXX

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave
It is 1.30 and we have been thinking about you all at granddads' funeral. Prayer time was good yestersat with representstives from Willington, Marston Shelton, Cardington and London Rd as well as TACF and of course a goodly number from Wootton New Life We had a great shared lunch before the prayers. Fay had made Simnal Cake (is that how you spell it?) Yum! Yum! We are all set for Passover at XLR8 on Tuesday. Don't forget the grape juice!!!
Love Mu & Ken
Letters keahstn
(in Jesus name of course)

sarahb said...

Hi Dave, has been such a shock hearing what you are going through,your bravery shows so well in all entries i have read on your blog.Long time no see cus but you are always in my thoughts.Give my love to My uncle Ken for me,i hope today has gone to you and all family from Sarah xx