Saturday, March 22, 2008

Fires, Snow & Turkey - Easter or Christmas?

Happy Easter everyone!

Easter Saturday and as the snow falls I'm reminded of spring! I did some gardening yesterday but today I'll settle for banking up the fire and getting out the port. Mind you, did that yesterday as well!

Adrian & Ann and his three children (Sam, Ben & Rachel) are with us for the weekend and we are having a great time. They brought their Wii with them which is fab on our big tele. We've boxed, played tennis and bowled - quite energetic. This was coupled with a giant beef caserole and lots of winter Pimms (very warming). The ladies and kids are off to Bedford to sort out bridesmaids dresses and wedding stuff this morning and Adrian and I are in charge of a big turkey dinner with all the trimmings - just as well mum taught us to cook.

We are off up to Derby tomorrow for a big family party - my auntie's ruby wedding anniversary which should be fun. After that a night with John & Amanda (the kids are at my mum and dads).

Health wise I'm doing OK - got a few hand problems (Hunter Palmer syndrome) which is a side effect of the chemo and I'm a bit tired but generally OK. The sickness that I have in the week - 10 days after chemo has gone now again. Only got another 5 days of tablets and then two weeks off.

We all have breakfast at church tomorrow, we're in charge of eggs for 40 - Easter Sunday is always an exciting day; a real celebration. I'm really glad I follow the Lord of resurrection, I can truly say that I don't fear death at all. I don't want to die, but if it's my time I'm not scared because I know what I know and He'll see me right. This is not morbid - it's hopeful! They told me at diagnosis that I'd have three months without chemo so from this point onwards I'm in miracle land - chemo and prayer the powerful combination!

Well God Bless everyone and once more happy Easter!




Jean said...

HI Dave,
Glad to hear things are not too bad at the present.

I thought I would join the band of Acronym players but tried 3 times to get letters I could make something out of. The first lot had 3 Vs in it!!
so here goes.

Morning! (Easter breakfast that is)

Have a blessed Easter all of you,

Anonymous said...

Hi David
Pleased you are persevering at such a difficult time. Chemo gives us hope but also unpleasant side affects. My letters today are svlrto:-
sacred sabbeth
valient victory
livelong love
resplendent radiance
truth and trust
obedient and omnipotent
Like you I do not fear death but I do not want to die as there is so much to live for. I therefore relish each day until life ceases to be here on earth.
You still seem to keep your foot on the accelerator !!
with love Jenny x

Anonymous said...

Hi David, hope the party was just great.
I read this today:-
Impatience is a sign of hurrying; hurrying is a sign of worrying; worrying is a sign of fear; and fear is a sign that someone has temporarily forgotten that it's never too late to change their thoughts and therefore their 'things'
Thoughts become things... so choose the good ones!
Todays letters are:-
PNEQGE so they brought to mind:-

Positive thoughs cancel out
Give us a sense of
Equilibrium - food for thought Jenny x

Anonymous said...

Oi Redfern......Wot do you mean you are going to France for a rest?
You are going for the plonk !!!!!
the dumplings, and the rum and raisin ice cream!!!!!
God must have earache today, but that's not stopping us......
Letters not bad for a change...only had to "cheat " once.......


Yearning for the "no trace" words.
Be healed, my friend.

Blessings to you, and love to Florence.

Sianaroonie. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx