Saturday, March 8, 2008

More Grim News - What A Year!

Hi Everyone

Sorry that I didn’t get round to blogging yesterday – by the time I got home I was too tired. I’ve loads to tell you…

We headed off from the cottage on time on Thursday and made Roscoff with plenty of time to spare. We had a rough crossing back but manage to sleep OK. Mum’s vertigo carried on all day and into Friday, she felt really dizzy even before we got onto the boat.

On arriving at Plymouth we received a phone call from my Auntie Joy who had been woken in the early hours of Friday (by the police) to be told that my Granddad in Hayle (nr St Ives in Cornwall) had passed away. This was quite a shock as my parents had visited him only a few weeks ago and he seemed fine. It seemed as though he’d had a heart attack whilst making his tea on Wednesday. No one had noticed for 48 hours when a neighbour spotted his milk on the doorstep. My mum and dad were going to stop until this morning but headed back yesterday so that they could sort out things in Derby before heading down to Cornwall on Sunday to sort everything out at Granddad’s which will probably take 3 or 4 weeks. My poor parents are having a bit of a grim 2008. The post mortem will be on Tuesday, the funeral probably early in the week before Easter. I’ll be heading down to Cornwall on the day. He was in his late 80s and not terribly happy, my dad and auntie have been trying to convince him to move back up to the East Midlands for a few years now.

We got back in time for Teresa to have her second PIC line lesson. This time she donned the apron and did her Florence bit. She was very brave as she doesn’t ‘do’ blood. I’m very proud of her.

Today I’ve been up in Chesterfield at a meeting to discuss the establishment of an ‘Order Of Mission’ to work with churches in need of some consultancy help. It was a great meeting, fantastic ministry, worship and prayer. We met at Compass Café in Chesterfield. This is a fantastic Starbucks quality Christian coffee house that’s part of their outreach there. I went on the train straight through from Bedford – it was an easy trip and I was able to read the whole way, beats driving. We are waiting to hear about funding from the Methodist Church to take things forward to the next stage.

Needless to say I’m feeling pretty knackered tonight – not surprising really – my fault!
I’ve got an Oncologists appointment on Monday at 3.15 and the next chemo on Wednesday. My hair kept falling out so Teresa shaved it off completely this morning – I’m now as bald as a coot!

I’m looking forward to worshiping at Wootton New Life on Sunday with the family. I love my home church.

Have a great weekend.

God Bless Dave xxxxxxv


Anonymous said...

Dovid, Welcome home, and well done Florence.
Sorry to hear sad news, you must be feeling "done in" at the moment.
We feel everything with you, you know, and God still has you in His rucksack.
Won't waffle on with flippant comments tonight. Just want to remind you how much you are loved, you and your family( even those not met )and say, nighty night, sleep well, and most of all, my friend, be healed....the yearning continues,,,,,,no trace.

sianaroonie. xxxx

Got no letters tonight, what is going on?
John, have you stolen my letters 'cos they were better than yours?
Oh. they have appeared now...azgrfc!!!
No too late, have to try tomorrow.
It is all yours John Boy

John write these things in a book said...

hi dave - sorry to hear about grandad, pass our condolences to them. Just about to head off to a friends for lunch, Amanda met some guy who'd been to Bill Johnsons church in the states for a few weeks - will get her to blog a bit about it later.
catch you later Johnxx

sian - what can i say...dissapointed that a challenge was before you with beautiful letters like azgrfc and you stumbled. have a chilled sunday


quality -

John write these things in a book said...

Dave - when i said pass our condolences to them i meant your mum and dad but to think and not type those thoughts is rather pointless
