Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Round 2 Over!

Hi Everyone

We’ve had a great day today, super weather, fantastic lunch and first class walk in Benedot. We went to a great creperie, had a leek, potato and bacon for the main and an amazing rum, raison and ice cream flambé job for pudding. As I’m typing this I’m thinking how tedious it must be reading a blow by blow account of my meals! Just can’t believe I’m able to eat this stuff with no swallowing problems at all.

Round two of chemo finished today, I get a week off now, round three starts on Wednesday next week. Still feeling stupidly, wonderfully well! They told me at diagnosis that I would live three months without chemo and here I am two months in feeling better than ever. I’m going to make longer than 18 months too no matter what the average stats say.

On the DIY front I just had a bit of carpet to stick down and the back of the door to paint other that that blissfully little DIY. The cottage is looking brill.

Really looking forward to going to the Stockholm New Wine leaders conference in April. John and Amanda are coming with us – let’s pray that God does His stuff there through Bill Johnson. Florence has been busy booking flights, hotels and stuff today.

We head home tomorrow late from Roscoff; it’s gone so quickly, had a great time hanging out with the ‘rents’ but looking forward to getting home to Florence, the little Redfernios and mad badger girl.

Signing off now to watch ‘Bruce Almighty’ and eat chocolate.

Luv ya Dave xxxxxx


Anonymous said...

Now look here Redfern, if you continue all this scoffing and boozing you will end up looking like ME!!!!!
And there I was, trying to fast, and you tellin ' me, gobfull by piggin' gobfull what you are stuffing your cheeky little face with!
Really, though, glad you have had a blessed time.
I don't know where you get the idea from that I could have led you astray on the drinking front. As you well know I never touch a drop. I was brought up in a small Welsh village, with only sheep for company,so the only thing I got up to was knitting!!!
I know what you mean about missing Florence. When I had to leave Neil behind when we went to Launde, although it was a great weekend, it couldn't be perfect because he wasn't there. When you like each others company, and "fit" so well together, it never really feels right when you're not together, does it? Hey, aren't we blessed to have such great, loving partners!
Looking forward to you telling the ponies off, although they have been very well behaved since the "Great Escape" on Monday.
Lots of love to you,stay cosy in that rucksack.
The yearning continues......
Oh yikes!
The letters are..yaggjio.


John write these things in a book said...


stretching it but smug after a glass of 'bordot'......

we seem to be going to Stockholm.....i feel a Borat voice coming on.......
