Monday, March 31, 2008

Concarneau Route March!

Hi Troops,

Great day, today. The sun has shone all day though it has been a little breezy. We walked for miles from Sable Blanc (at one end of Concarneau) to the Ville Close (at the other end). All this after being nagged into lunch at that centre of French cuisine and excellence - Buffalo Grill. James is a committed carnivore and you get at least half a bison on each plate. This is grease city, death by meat, a vegetarian's nightmare (apologies to any who are reading).

On a positive note my mean spirit was satiated when I got the kids to collect enough drift wood for tonight's fire thus saving 5 euros. Here lies a plan - guess what we're doing tomorrow, off to the beach kids? 'Why is the log basket in the boot dad?'

On the Wii front Carys (aged 7) soundly thrashes me every time we try tennis - is hers an innate ability I wonder?

The change of clocks, the hours difference in France and being so far west here means that it 8.35 pm and still light - how cool is that - summer here we come! Well time to walk round the postcard sized estate prior to TV, vin and fire.

Have a great evening everyone.

Luv Dave xxxx


John write these things in a book said...

not sure i'm enjoying reading your daily life on the french good life show redders, collecting drift wood for the evening fire, settling down to the vin and tv, grilled bison for lunch, who do you think you are me!!!!! I did have a great set of letters but not in the mood to share them with the man who's sat looking at the sun an hour after the rest of us are hovelling around the derbyshire stove thawing out frozen clothing and baking bread hewn from the remnants of corn salvaged from the local wheat fields..........well maybe i'm over doing here dave - just calm it down son calm it down ....throw a bit of the downtrodden stuff in there fella - calm it down. Lovely to hear that you lovely people are doing well....big kisses....trying to stay in shape this week as i'm seriously worried about my capacity to keep up with you in sweden, i can still see you at midnight last weekend saying 'come on stampy get the port out, you're the host look after the guests man'
well must go and toast the feet - just been for a walk with amanda and brammy and after teeling the dog to keep clean i fell in a puddle about 10inches across.....numpty.


my letters are seriously:
toucy....or touche or touchy.....

Chloe said...

I'm missing my Jewish Pappa teasing me. =(

I wanted to call you up today to say that I accident;y rolled your car into next doors garage.
I accidently drowned the dog in the hot tub.
I accidently blew up the dishwasher
I accidently bought 101 kittens and let the scratch the sofa.
I accidently played golf in the garden and smashed most of the house windwows.

Yeah...but no. I'm not sure if that would've been funny. Don't want you to take a heart attack! (April Fools!)

I just wanted to say, that it is APRIL! Crazy how it feels like Christmas was a few weeks ago. I've been thinking a lot recently about how precious the months we get now. It's so much easier to see and understand that on a beautiful day such as today. Then on not so good days I tend to forget. Yet no matter what the situation, weather that be cancer/illness or anything like that. I've to always remember that"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us"
So Pappa! This isn't about you today! what's that you say to me..."self self self." (haha inside joke people) just something I was thinking about.
Oh! AND your quote for the day is! You being a sailor n' all along the Bedford river bank...

"Calm seas never make skillful sailors."

Ok I'm out!

Love love

Chloe said...


Not weather! whether.

Anonymous said...

On nordic pipers all o'er ken
Doon yonder widows sky
The mark of Sun rests 'neath the den
And doth the arrows a'fly.

Fly sweet, me heart, away through death
And speed through silvery spy
But lo! What tenses o'er ken?
Yes the Lord, and his Wisdom a'fly

John write these things in a book said...

new game to be had here.......if you can change one letter of your swirly letters and get a word or mix em up and get a word then you get points....if the word is encouraging and can start you off on a positive statement for dave then use it.....if it's not supportive but funny then we'll let it through, if it's annoying or just plain dull we'll all complain and call uou a numpty. My word to day is moxers...which i'm adding B to and getting boxers.....boxers punch and block and parry and spar and generally aim to win......we're praying that God will be the hell out of this cancer and drop it to it's knees ala Ali in the rumble in the jungle!!!
now you can give me a mark out of ten for the word and i can feel either great cos you're generous or a duffer cos you're not.....loving this site Dave it brings out the juvenile in me, and you were always such a big kid it's infectious.


John write these things in a book said...

you reading this stuff redders or just nancying up and down the beach getting your poor kids to collect drift wood.....


Chloe said...

ah ha! I like that john...

I say...

erm... 7/10!

Anonymous said...

Not bad john.......7 and a half!
Hey, but my letters are pkpqxwes!!!!!

I think I will have to cheat a bit....

Dovid ,
Soooo glad you are having a good time drinking, and eating, and drinking, and eating...
Pain about the swallowing though. You must masticate harder and longer..........( oooer)
Well, WE have more daylight now that the clocks have gone forward, but losing an hours sleep just means I go to bed earlier to catch up!
It is an age thing.
Hope "ping" did not "pong" and the Imperial Leather did the job. I prefer "Pears" myself, but then I am very refined.
If you are ever at a loose end, and Mu lets you off a job or two, I have a pony shed that could do with a good mucking out, but seeing as how you are obviously into child labour, you would probably send your kids!
Redfern....sorry Ridfin, get healed, man, the yearning gets trace.
Enjoy your evening.
LOL and internet hugs,
Sianaroonie. xxxx
I may have a go at this very childish game.Just popping out, to pop in again, hopefully with a better selection of I get points deducted for cheating?

Anonymous said...

No Way!!!!

Anonymous said...

amctug....gonna stick to the PROPER game.


(fellow) Ginger.

Sianaroonie, might try tomorrow if get EASY letters like Johnboy!

David Redfern said...

Stampy, Stampy, Stampy....

You have an antelope suite, a BMW and a Dulux dog.. I struggle to wring a drop of enjoyment from your port and I begrudged..the puddle was from God. Stockholm will see me svelte and waif like and dressed in the finest designer gear (in reality Primark and 13 stone - but who cares!!)

This Bill bloke better be good - if not I hear the cherry vodka is very medicinal and can be either taken internally or rubbed on.

See ya bud.. Dave

David Redfern said...


Kids will 'muck out', collect wood, sell matches and do the washing.. they are well trined little Redferns.

Luv Dave


David Redfern said...

Chlo, Chlo....

My lovely house!

Have you fed the fish?


Jewish Pappa..