Thursday, March 20, 2008

Good News All Round - Blood & Ben!

Hi Guys

The XLR8 Passover meal was fantastic! David & Mu (my co-leaders) had put so much time into it and the young people really enjoyed it. It was so interesting to really understand what was involved and the history about it. Mu had carefully tracked down a Christian version which ends with communion.

My dissertation is in the final throws - yippee, made it finally (bar the proof read and that's Teresa's job).

We went for Teresa's final PIC line lesson at the chemo ward today. They've given us the supplies for Teresa to re-dress me whilst I'm in France next week. Just as well we're not flying or they'd never let all those needles onto the plane. I had a blood test today and great news - they were all 100% normal, even the white count that was really low before. Round 3 has been quite kind and I get an extra week off this time for Easter and good behaviour!

My mum, dad and brother head back from Cornwall today having done a great job (along with Joy & Bob) at Granddads; the house will be going on the market soon. Adrian, Ann and their kids are with us for the weekend and then we're heading up to Derby on Easter Sunday for my Auntie & Uncle's Ruby wedding party. We're going to spend the night at John & Amanda's and head back on Easter Monday. It's my big scan on Tuesday and then we're off to France for 10 days rest!

Congratulations to my nephew Ben who has passed his audition for Derby Cathedral Chior as a chorister. He'll look lovely in a ruff! Seriously, he's done really well to get in out of so many, we're really proud of him!

Easter Sunday at Church will be fantastic. If you're local and not doing anything then we have a great family service at 10.30. You can get directions at You'd be really welcome.

I'll keep posting over the Easter weekend and try and send some photos too.

God Bless. Dave. xx


John write these things in a book said...

greetings dave - sorry been radio silence for a few days, looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend....i've been recording with my mate simon in london, sounds quite bohemian doesn't it, actually recording some music for the first time in a few years. Wow wow wow wow about the bloods - great news, heaven has been bombarded this last few weeks.
will save all the chat for the weekend when we see you.rbkqrpy

bombardment (of heaven)


Anonymous said...

GRRRREAT news about the blood tests.
What a mighty God we serve !
We will keep up the bombarding, of course, until we hear those yearned for trace.
Seems like your whirlwinding around mini bar land again, and now you have the intravenous thingy set up, your off and running.
Well done Ben! Many congrats from Lidlington.
Have a great weekend with John and co, and remember to have a glass or two for me!
If I have any this weekend, I will not make the dawn service on the hill on Sunday morning (followed by cooking full breakfast for the 30 odd that stayed in bed!!!)
Blasting starts NOW for the big test.

Can't do these letters.... vxvmth

Hang on , got something....

(just a small cheat on excited)

Every blessing, and love to Florence.

Sianaroonie. xxxxx

Hinklebrain said...

Hi Dave. Sorry we've not been in touch for a while but glad to see good results from the hospital this week. We, like you, were at a funeral earlier this week, a good family friend who I've known for the last 43 years. Funeral was in a small Welsh chapel and you'd be pleased to know the there was no lacklustre singing there! We were warned to be there early and the chapel that holds 70 was full 45 mins before the service started. The service was relayed into the "School Room" and there were still 40+ more stood in the church aisle. It was a great tribute to someone who loved the Lord.
We've not much to report from our end, save only "15 sleeps" 'til we all go to Florida. The boys have a "countdown" calendar (nothing to do with Carol Voorderman) which we cross the days off- they try and miss a few days but my excitement makes them do it. If you want to know how excited I am then picture Will Ferrell in "Elf" - I'm very similar to him except I don't have green tights and a silly hat(they we're confiscated by Janet when we got married, but I do have....mmm, best stop there!)

I'll link in with J&A since you're in Derbyshire and try to see you- if only for 10 mins. By the way it's just started snowing in Derby, looks like thick tights weather..damn found out again!

A joke for the family:

A small rabbit in the woods climbs a tree and when it gets to the first branch throws itself off and flaps its paws furiously. It crashes to the ground, lays still for a moment and then climbs the tree once more. Again, gets to the first branch throws itself off and flaps its paws furiously and crashes to the ground. As it climbs the tree for the third time, two birds on a higher branch are watching and the female turns to her mate and says, "Joe, do you think it's time we told our son he's adopted."