Thursday, March 13, 2008

Round # 3 Over & Done With

Hi Guys

Had chemo round three yesterday so sorry I didn't get round to blogging last night. It really wiped me out and I felt quite sick so just 'hit the sack' when I got in. They gave me some great new anti sickness things you stick up your bum that work very well (and quickly!). Feeling OK today and really got on with the blasted, bloomin, blinkin disertation thingy-me-bob!

Sat next to another positive person of faith yesterday who had just been to the shrine at Walsingham for anointing with oil. This is all a bit outside my tradition (shrines, saints and all) but we shared so much in common it was good to talk.

I don't know if you remember the insurance company that had turned down my loan protection claim last month? Well I appealed and they changed their decision! Always worth having a go eh?

The mad travel weekend starts this evening as we head down to Birmingham ready to put the kids on their flight to Scotland first thing tomorrow.. it's a packing nightmare, posh hotels, travelling, stopping with friends and a funeral (where's that black tie???).

I'll try and keep up with the blog if hotel wireless Internet connections allow.

God Bless All

Dave xxx


Anonymous said...

Hi David
you certainly believe in giving yourself a hard time. Your body does need time to heal. Chemo is poison after all and you need to give yourself some 'TLC' Prioritise, delegate, take your foot off the accelorator. I have been there, done that, worn and still wear the T shirt. What are you trying to prove? Be at peace with who you are and enjoy the experience of slowing down and letting your body have a chance to heal itself.
I say this with the best of intentions and I pray that the Lord with intervene. Take care oh driven one!!!!!

the alfage said...

Hi Uncle Dave,
So glad to hear that the chemo went well. Doctors did a horrible thing to me too on Wednesday when they stuck needles in my legs. So I know exactly how you feel. Mummy and daddy are odd though because they said that, unlike you, I didn't sleep for the rest of the night!! Mummy and daddy say 'Hope you liked the magazines.'
Hope you and aunty Teresa have a fab time at your posh hotel. Mummy and daddy say that they like the idea of a grown up night in a hotel.
Loads of baby love and baby prayers as usual plus lots of grown up ones from mummy and daddy.

Loads oflove from Alfie xxxxx

Chloe said...

Alfie!! Hi Alfie!!

Tell your mummy and daddy David was reading ... looking through the mags! Bless you guys! You shouldn't have!!

Lurv Chlo Chlo x

Dee Vincent-Day said...

Hi David

I am settling in the new job and getting into the politics of it all.

I have to say I agree with jenny. You really should be giving your body a chance to heal. Chemo is poison as Jenny says which means that your body needs to be given a chance to deal with what it is being bombarded with.

I cannot think of anything go match the letters today unfortunately.


hmmmm not an easy set...



Anonymous said...

Hi Dovid and Teresa,
Bet the hotel has a "mini bar"!
hope you get loads of relax time together, a bit like a naughty weekend away eh?.You lucky beggers. !
I tell you what, though, I am getting fed up with John getting all the decent letters...mine are qduddhyg !
Can't even make a Welsh thing out of that lot!
We are not doing a "pony parade" on Palm sunday this year. In recent years, my shetties have played the part of the donkey/colt that Jesus rode on into Jerusalem, and we have acted out the scene walking through the main street in the village. However, as I now have three ponies (used to be four) I have to bring them all, as one cannot be left behind, and that is a bit of a kerfuffle.
They always object to being taken away from the lovely rich grass in the churchyard, to be on best behavior while folk wave branches at their feet, I often end up with a bit of a fight on my hands, comical to watch, but not very biblical! So, they have been retired, and very glad they are too!However, that left me free to preach, so got a few butterflies to deal with now, instead.
I think it is your "pray in" at Wootton this week, hope the car doesn't break down this time!....
I think the whole family are able to manange it ..depends what time Jacobs football match finishes....
his priorities are football, rugby,cricket,tennis, basketball,
walking.. then....any other thing he can fit in!
Anyway, this is turning into a dissitation thingy....
will leave you alone now to your mini bar.
Yearnig, yearning, trace.
Sianaroonie xxxxxxxxxxx